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I can’t be pregnant & finish college...

Posted By: Parkridge Employee | August 18, 2021

 ...wait, why not? 

With much preparation and anticipation, thousands of students are returning to university campuses to begin the 2021-2022 academic year. Students usually anticipate and prepare for their housing arrangements, books, class schedules, jobs, social clubs, etc…There are many things to look forward to, and for most students this is an exciting new adventure 


What happens when that adventure includes a positive line on a pregnancy test? 

No one prepares for this--it might be shocking and can be super stressful. 

“This can’t be happening right now...I just moved onto campus for my Freshman year….”

“I started college a few years late and I’m already behind...a kid would ruin my plans…”

“It’s my senior year and I plan to go to grad school right after…”

“I am about to go through sorority rush, and I would lose that opportunity…”

“My parents would stop paying for my school…”

These are all statements we hear in our clinic at Parkridge.  These are all legitimate concerns, big concerns. It is tempting to immediately go into problem-solving mode when faced with an unintended pregnancy-- and to immediately consider abortion as the most viable solution. 

“I just need to get this taken care of.”

“I don't want to really think about it…”

‘Isn’t there some pill I can just take to get this over with?”

These are comments from women who are intelligent, driven to succeed and may want to be moms someday--just not now.  Understandably, they feel afraid, panicked and even desperate. Their goals and their future are valuable to them--as they should be.

BUT let’s explore that a bit…

What has led intelligent, driven, women to believe that they are incapable of completing an education while also being pregnant? 

What has led hard-working women to believe that their work ethic and support system would not be sufficient to enable them to both care for a child and continue school?

What has led amazing women to believe that in a world that is constantly changing, that they don’t have the capacity to adjust their plans or their path? 

Would having a child while in college be easy?  No...probably not

Would it be possible? Absolutely yes

At Parkridge, we believe in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about unintended pregnancies and their overall sexual health. Some young women may not want to continue their pregnancy and that is a choice to be made, yet it’s important that women know that they CAN continue it, that they CAN be a student and a mom if that’s what they want to do. We don’t want any woman to believe that she is not capable of doing so. We also don’t want any woman to believe that she would have to walk the path alone. There are resources in every community and at every university that offer provisions for pregnant students.  And Parkridge knows how to help women access them. 

Our counselors at Parkridge teach us to acknowledge our feelings but not to make big decisions in the middle of big feelings. It’s important to slow down, explore our feelings and also explore every possible option.

If you or a friend sees those lines on a pregnancy test, please reach out. We provide medical services as well as evidence-based education on all pregnancy options

No cost. No hassle. No judgment.  Just call or click to request an appointment for one of our free services. 

Already experienced an abortion and want to talk about it?  Please reach out. We have emotional support available. 

Every story and situation is unique. Regardless of where a woman is in her life or education  journey, let’s not diminish her strength, resilience, or capacity by assuming that an unintended pregnancy would ruin the good things ahead.  

Something to think about... What if things could actually still be good, even...better? 

We hope the information included here is helpful, and is received in conjunction with other medical and mental health information. This blog post is not intended to replace information directly received from a medical provider. Parkridge offers free limited counseling on a variety of issues including relationships and sex. All of our services (pregnancy testing, confirmation ultrasound, options education, STD testing and treatment, professional counseling, & after abortion support) are always free of charge, confidential, and delivered by licensed professionals. If you think you may need help, schedule an appointment or call Parkridge today at 806.794.8555. 

Request an Appointment

We’ll stand by your side. Our staff is available to provide you with expert medical services and caring support. At Parkridge, we don’t charge for our services. To get help, all you need to do is make an appointment.